The best time to build a house

With the decision to build a home comes many questions, but perhaps none bigger than ‘when is the best time to build?’ Getting the timing right when building your home is very important in order to minimise construction delays and subsequent unplanned costs.

The most important consideration when building a home is weather. In poor weather conditions, your build can be dramatically slowed down or even halted completely until conditions improve.

Waiting for the weather to improve is a frustrating time for anyone building a home. As impatient as you may be to get into your new home, there is unfortunately nothing that can be done except waiting the poor weather out.

That said, it’s important that you do your research to find out when the weather conditions are ideal to build in your area. Keep in mind that heat can cause just as many delays as rain, as can extreme wind and humidity so try as best as you can to plan around periods of poor weather to avoid major delays.

Of course, mother nature doesn’t always follow plans and there will be days of poor weather regardless of when you start your build.

Get the timing right

An average home build takes between six and twelve months depending on a range of factors including complexity and size of build, weather conditions, availability of supplies and issues encountered along the way.

Building a home in winter

Winter in the Lowveld

May is generally a popular time to start a home build in Mpumalanga. The hot summer days have lost their bite as autumn’s tamer conditions take hold meaning builders won’t have to battle stifling heat as the build gets started.

Also the build will run through winter and minimal delays due to wet weather due to Mpumalanga mainly being a summer rainfall area. It is better to start in May and skip out on extreme summer season conditions however starting in winter means shorter days therefore less working hours for your build.

May builds will also mean you should have the keys to your new home by Christmas time depending on everything going to plan.

Depending on the weather in your area, there may be alternative ideal time to start your build.

Building your dream home can be a stressful time and there will always be unavoidable hiccups along the way. However, with a little bit of research and planning about the ideal time to start a build in your area, you can ensure minimal missed working days and costly delays.

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